How It All Started //

In 2018, exhausted from running two businesses while dealing with autoimmune conditions and chronic fatigue, Tierney set out to create a super-powder blend to add to her morning cup o’ decaf, giving her morning ritual an extra punch without the negative effects of caffeine. (Lookin’ at you, anxiety.)

After hundreds of failed experiments, she created a potent blend she named Morning Person. Packed with powerful adaptogens, functional mushrooms, and badass superfoods, this caffeine-free powder addresses a wide range of common concerns with the goodness of all-natural, all-organic, non-GMO ingredients.

Black & Bloom took off in 2020 and sold hundreds of jars of Morning Person over the next 2 years. After taking a break during her pregnancy and first year of Mama-hood, Tierney is getting ready to rebrand and relaunch Black & Bloom with hopes to grow it into a bigger brand focused on more wellness products, non-toxic living, and community events. Thank you for being a part of this journey!

Be well.